Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Spring 2023 – Day 6

Today is our second day at sea and when we woke up the sky was mostly sunny and it was finally WARM!!

We had slept in so we finally made it out to the pool deck at about 10:00am and it was a little cool but warmed up quickly.

At 12:30pm we went into the Ocenview Café for lunch and then back on the deck where it was very hot and very sunny. 

We might have stayed out a little too much as we were red when we came it.  But all-in-al it was wonderful to have great sun.

We knew the Casino Manager from previous cruises and she asked us to have coffee with her and so at  4:00pm we met her in the casino and then went to the to have a drink and relax.  She is from Venezuela and is very nice.

The show tonight was a piano player/singer who was quite good.

Afterwards in the casino Ed had a terrible run at a table alone and moved to another table and made it all back plus a nice profit.  Barb had a small loss at the slots.

Tomorrow is Carbo San Lucas and we have a food tour that should be fun.

Night from the Pacific Ocean and warm weather.

                                        Finallly - hot weather and it;s great to be out in it.

                                            With the Casino Manger -  Sol (which means sun)

                                                     Going out for the evening

                                        Tuna for dinner and it was very good

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