Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Europe 2023 – Day 3 & 4

After two delightful days in Zurich, it was time to board a train to Zermatt to see the Matterhorn.

We took an Uber on the short ride to the train station and then the unexpected happened.

The driver, knowing that we had not taken a train in Switzerland yet, parked his car and walked our luggage right into the platforms for the trains.  Then he found an information person and took us right to the correct platform so that we could walk right on the train when it arrived.

The train was from 8am – 1pm and we had to change trains.  That was a challenge as the second train was at another platform and we had to go down a ramp, under the tracks and then up to our platform.

We had 6 minutes to make it and we just did!!

After another hour we arrived in Zermatt at the base of the Matterhorn.

These mountains are totally unlike any of the mountains we have seen before, from Colorado to Alaska to Japan and Mt Fuji.  Those mountains that we had seen before rose up with nice slopes and a volcano type top.  These mountains were jagged monstrous pieces of rock.  Petty in their own way.

We had to take 3 cable cars to reach the highest observation point.  At that point we were at 12,000 feet!

The sun was out, it was perfectly clear and an amazing view.  Barb’s blood Oxygen level whet down in the 80’s and Ed was wobbly and lightheaded.  After getting down to 9,000 and having a pasta lunch we both were just fine.

Then we went down the mountain and into the main street of down where we had a delightful dinner of veal sausage, potatoes, etc.

We are very tired from being up in the mountains so we are getting a good night’s sleep.

Tomorrow, we take 3 trains to get to Geno, our last stop before boarding the MSC Seashore ship.

Night from the base of the Matterhorn – a very fun day.

Leaving Zurich

Our electic taxi - no gas taxies or buses - all electric

                                            The Matterhorn from outside out hotel

                                                            The first of 3 gondolas

                                                Loading the 2nd gondola - capacity 125!!

                                                    Resting at the 9,000 elevation

                                                            The Matterhorn

                                                    There must be something here to buy!

                                                    Dinner - Veal Sausage - Swiss style

Our taxi from the train station - no gas powered taxis here


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